Diamonds Forever Read online

Page 2

  ‘Why would she lie, Jason?’ asked Jenna gently.

  ‘’Cos she does,’ he snapped. ‘She lies all the time. No, I haven’t had a drink today – yes, I did remember to sign on – no, I didn’t shag your mate’s dad. She’s bloody pathological. Why should I believe her on this?’

  ‘She seemed quite positive about it. She told me some of the circumstances around it. I believed her.’

  ‘Oh, and what were they, then?’ Jason’s tone was defiant, as if he didn’t want to ask but had to.

  ‘The old Lord Harville seduced her as a sixteen year old. She was performing up here at the gala with her majorette troupe.’

  ‘She’s always on about how she used to be a majorette,’ said Jason, smiling now, a little sadly. ‘Used to be her party piece – getting her baton out and giving it a twirl.’

  ‘They had a short affair and she got pregnant.’

  ‘Yeah, but she was always having short affairs, usually half a dozen at a time.’

  ‘Not this time,’ said Jenna. ‘Or so she says. But she told Harville that, so he wouldn’t have the baby – you – taken off her. He threatened her, you see.’

  ‘Fucking bastard,’ growled Jason.

  ‘You believe that bit, then?’

  ‘Anything about Harvilles behaving like bastards, yeah, totally believable. But … this is why, you see. This is why I can’t believe it. I can’t be one of them.’

  There was a plea in his voice.

  ‘Well, you know it can be proved,’ said Jenna.

  ‘How? The fucker’s dead. I ain’t digging him up so I can have my worst nightmare proved true.’

  ‘No. Lawrence. They can test whether you share paternity.’

  Jason laughed, long and loud.

  ‘Yeah, I can see him agreeing to that, can’t you? “Hold on, bro, while I just take a lock of your hair and a swab of your spit. What larks!” As if. And how the ever-living fuck did he get away with the drug charges? I want to go and find the CPS and give it a good kicking.’

  ‘I suppose everyone except Kayley was scared to stand against him,’ said Jenna. ‘You did say he had some very frightening friends.’

  ‘Yeah. Thank God for you, or they’d be on to me right now. Got to be a worry for Kayley, though. They’ll want to take revenge.’

  ‘Shit, do you think so?’ Jenna sat up, looking around for her phone.

  ‘Might be an idea to let her stay here for a bit,’ suggested Jason.

  ‘I will. I’ll call her tomorrow morning, tell her to pack a bag.’

  ‘What did he say to you?’ Jason’s tone was intense now. ‘Did he touch you?’

  ‘He said he’d just come to tell me that the CPS had dropped the case. He was pretty menacing though. And insulting. He mentioned you, and Kayley. I think he was threatening you both.’

  ‘He can threaten me all he likes,’ said Jason.

  ‘Probably best not to mention the thing about him being your brother,’ said Jenna. ‘On reflection.’

  ‘He’s no brother of mine.’ Jason was obstinate.

  ‘Perhaps he’s not a Harville at all,’ said Jenna, trying to cheer him.

  ‘What, did he say something?’

  ‘No, I mean, not really. But he really doesn’t know the truth about our skeleton in the cellar. If it’s Harville business, they’ve kept it very quiet indeed.’

  ‘So he still thinks it’s the first wife or whatever?’

  ‘Apparently. Unless he’s deliberately lying,’ said Jenna.

  ‘And, let’s face it, that’s not exactly unknown.’

  ‘Perhaps he never went into the cellar. Perhaps his father didn’t. But there are boxes and boxes of family records, so somebody did …’

  Jason yawned. ‘Maybe take a look at them when the dust settles. See if they say anything about Harville tracking that runaway wife of his, Frances, down, or getting the baby back.’

  ‘That’s a good point. All the birth, death and marriage certificates’ll be in there, probably. I’ll do that.’ She shuddered. ‘Much as I’d prefer never to go back down there.’

  ‘I’ll come with you. Hey, maybe we could take some friends down. Lawrence, Deano …’

  Jenna gave his arm a light smack.

  ‘I’m pissed off with both of them but I think I’d draw the line at murder. God, I’m exhausted. Let’s try and sleep, eh? Everything might be easier to look at in the morning.’

  Jason sighed. ‘Not what I had planned for tonight, is it?’

  ‘No. But we’ve got all the time in the world.’

  Chapter Two

  JENNA AWOKE TO the sounds of hammering and creaking from downstairs. Above it all, the stentorian tones of Tabitha, directing the operation, were clearly audible.

  She pushed her face into the pillow. They were dismantling the exhibition. She was happy to leave them to it, given the enormous raft of other problems that had crept into her sleep and infected her dreams.

  Jason still slept sweetly, one arm hanging over the side of the bed, long eyelashes fluttering on his cheeks.

  The thought of what the morning papers would bring, in terms of reportage of the event, caused a sinking sensation in the pit of Jenna’s stomach. She hoped beyond hope that some column space would be given to the subject of Jason himself, his great talent, his enormous potential.

  If it was all about Deano, she would throw up.

  She sat up in bed, suddenly needing to know the worst. She retrieved her tablet from the bedside and went to the local news site. It had a video online, of a press conference with Deano.

  She watched it with the sound as low as she could get it without disappearing altogether.

  ‘Yeah,’ Deano was saying, blinking into the flashbulbs but not allowing them to wipe the wicked smile from his face. ‘An, if you will, rockumentary.’

  There was laughter. It turned out that he was quoting Spinal Tap with very good reason. He explained that he had returned to Bledburn in order to make a documentary about his early years and inspirations.

  ‘Nothing to do with the fact that Jenna Diamond has moved back here?’ The question, from a front-row hack, was inevitable, but Jenna still sucked in an angry breath.

  Of course it’s to do with that, you muppet, she replied in her head, only to hear the thought spoken aloud in Jason’s sleepy, sardonic tones.

  ‘Oh, Jason,’ she said, flustered, looking for the pause button.

  ‘Don’t turn it off,’ he said. ‘Know your enemy, eh? That line about the documentary is pure bullshit. He’s come here after you.’

  Jenna nodded tensely, listening to the remainder of the conference.

  ‘It’ll be great to catch up with Jenna,’ was Deano’s reply. ‘But that’s not what I’m here for.’


  ‘I’ve spent too long in a privileged bubble,’ he continued. ‘Of wealth and celebrity. I’ve forgotten where I came from, and I need the reminder.’ He grinned again. ‘A good kick in the ass. That’s what I’m here for.’

  ‘Did you hear that?’ said Jason excitedly. ‘Sounds like an invitation to me.’

  ‘Oh God, Jason, don’t.’ Jenna watched as the video ended and the ‘Play it again’ arrow filled the box.

  ‘Why not?’ he demanded. ‘It’d make a fucking boss birthday present.’

  Jenna was confused. ‘It’s not Deano’s birthday.’

  ‘No, but it’s mine.’

  ‘What? When? Not today, surely?’

  ‘Yep. Today.’

  Jenna slapped her palms down on the duvet.

  ‘Why didn’t you say anything, for God’s sake?’

  Jason shrugged.

  ‘Dunno. Too much other stuff going on. Didn’t seem relevant.’

  ‘Relevant? Oh, Jay. Of course it is.’

  He leant back against the headboard, his face troubled.

  ‘I’ve never bothered much with birthdays,’ he said, and there was a note of defiance in his voice.

  Jenna, reading between the lines, deduced
that he’d got used to nobody else bothering with them.

  ‘But I have,’ she said gently. ‘I love you and I want you to have a special day.’

  He softened, taking her hand and unburdening.

  ‘Nobody’s felt that way about it before,’ he said. ‘I’ve never had a special day, like the other kids all did. Although, I tell a lie. I did have one – my twelfth. Mum was in hospital and I was in temporary foster care. They took me to Alton Towers. Fucking brilliant. Yeah, that was a good one, thinking back.’

  Jenna laid her head on his shoulder.

  ‘How am I going to beat Alton Towers?’ she wondered, looking up at him.

  He grinned back at her.

  ‘Tough gig, but I reckon you could do it,’ he said.

  ‘I reckon I could too. Give me till tonight. You’re going to have the best present ever.’

  ‘I’ve got it already,’ he said, flipping her without warning on to her back.

  She squealed with delighted exhilaration, then remembered they weren’t alone in the house and tried to keep quiet. It wasn’t easy, though, with Jason all over her, laying hands and lips on every accessible inch of her body.

  She threw her arms up above her head and surrendered to him, offering everything he wanted for the taking. Her breasts became his feast while her legs wrapped around him. He ground against her, pushing his erection down into her mound. She was ready for him, whenever he wanted. Jason never had to work hard to get her juices flowing. She was a whore for him, a needy slut who couldn’t get enough of him. The thoughts flashed deliriously in her mind, turning her on all the more.

  She was wetter than the rainforest before he’d even got her nipples into his mouth, feeling the steam rise from her sensitised skin. He only had to put a hand on her hip or breathe into her ear – hell, he only had to look at her in a certain way – and she was slippery-slick and begging.

  ‘Hot for it, eh?’ he murmured, splaying her lower lips with practised fingers, checking to see how welcome he was. Very welcome.

  ‘Mm,’ she said, mindlessly horny, pushing her pelvis up so that his fingers would slide into her wet heat.

  ‘D’you think you deserve it?’ He stroked her clitoris, too lightly for relief. It was maddening.

  She gasped with frustration.

  ‘Yes … please …’

  He shifted, leaving her breasts so his face was directly above hers.

  ‘Look at me. Tell me.’

  She twisted her neck left and right, trying to summon the courage to do this unthinkable thing. Meanwhile, he continued his infuriating, frustrating motions below.

  Unable to bear it any more, she opened her eyes wide, stared into his dark brown gaze and hissed, ‘Yes. Do it. Do it now.’

  His mouth descended on hers in savage passion, tongue pushing hard to gain access. His fingers worked her clitoris with a sure, firm stroke.

  She began to rotate her hips, encouraging him further, trying to direct him towards her depths. He took the hint, plunging two fingers inside her while his thumb continued to rub at her clit.

  ‘Is that what you want?’ he said, releasing her lips for a moment. ‘Yeah?’

  She pushed herself down on his fingers, but they weren’t what she wanted. They were just the foretaste.

  ‘More,’ she muttered. ‘Please.’

  ‘More fingers?’

  ‘No.’ He knew he was teasing her. His smile was wide, in between snatched kisses all over her neck and face.

  ‘I want you inside me,’ she whispered.

  He curled his fingers and twisted them this way and that.

  ‘I think I am inside you, babe.’

  ‘Not like that.’

  ‘Like what then?’

  ‘Damn you!’ she cried, and he took his fingers away and knelt up, frowning down at her with mock displeasure.

  ‘Are you sure about that?’ he said. ‘Not a very nice way to talk to the man who’s trying to get you off, is it?’

  ‘Oh.’ She moaned and writhed, digging her heels into the mattress. He had her well and truly pinned down, straddling her so that she couldn’t move her legs.

  But she could see that he wasn’t going to be teasing her for long. Not judging by the thick, straight shaft pointing upwards from its nest of curls. She could use this to her advantage.

  She reached out and wrapped a hand around it.

  ‘Oh.’ Jason quirked an eyebrow, smiling crookedly down. ‘Nice. I’ll accept that as an apology.’

  She caressed and stroked, looking directly into his eyes, for only a few seconds.

  That was all it took for him to grunt, throw her off, turn her on to her front and push himself into her.

  She rested on her elbows, pushing her bottom up to accept him more easily. How deep he plunged, stretching her, setting off the pleasurable friction she craved.

  He held her hips for the first few strokes, to make sure he got as far up her channel as he possibly could, then he let go with one hand and reached over for the bedside table.

  She tried to watch out of the corner of her eye, wondering what he was after.

  She soon worked it out, when she heard the uncapping of a lid.

  ‘Oh,’ she whimpered, tightening her rear muscles in a flutter of fear.

  ‘Don’t you remember, babe?’ he said quietly, spreading her cheeks. ‘We were going to do something last night?’

  ‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘But …’

  ‘But it’s my birthday. I won’t go the whole way now, but tonight … tonight’s the night.’

  He ran his lubed finger up and down her parted furrow, moving closer, pushing ever so slightly harder with each sweep.

  Jenna rocked slightly on her knees with each thrust, trying to keep her muscles relaxed. Perhaps if she paid attention only to what was in her pussy, she would be able to accept the invasion of her rear more easily.

  She focused hard on the building of her pleasure, the full feeling, the friction. Jason’s slippery finger found its target and rotated slowly and shallowly, getting her used to its presence before taking more decisive action.

  He was so considerate and thorough in this that, after a while, she was surprised to find that she wanted him to push down a bit harder.

  She lifted her bottom in invitation.

  He exhaled long and lustfully, then made his move.

  She bit her lip and held in a squeak. There was still enough banging and crashing around downstairs to remind her that too much noise might be overheard.

  Jason’s finger made a short, sharp push forwards, breaking through her defences. She felt herself close around it. God, it felt completely invasive; in a different league to any kind of intrusion into her pussy. Surely she could never get used to this feeling. It took her mind away from everything else and kept it focused right on her behind.

  ‘How’s that, babe?’ he asked, wiggling his finger a little bit inside her.

  ‘Oh God, it’s weird,’ she panted.

  ‘I’m going to keep it right here,’ he said. ‘Get used to it.’

  He was as good as his word, keeping the finger still for another half a minute or so of solid thrusting into her pussy, then moving it in rhythm.

  The double penetration was … well, she couldn’t describe it. There were too many words for it, and many of them conflicted. It was uncomfortable, exciting, degrading, mortifying – and it unlocked a part of her she had been craving to let out. The part of her that wanted to submit to Jason in every possible way.

  This was how it could be done. By giving him this one part of her, by taking the shame and the soreness and the richness of surrender, she gave all of herself to him. Once that was done, there would be no going back. She would be his, and forever.

  She grunted with the effort of trying to understand what was happening to her. Jason kept a steady hold on her shoulder with his free hand, slamming into her now, moving his finger faster and deeper.

  Oh God, what kind of orgasm was this? It came from nowhere and
shot out of her, lighting up parts of her she was sure had never been affected before. Her toes curled, her hair stood on end and the pleasure came from all over her, not just that one central point. It was a whole-body orgasm and it took possession of her like no other ever had.

  She floated down from it like a feather dropped from a height, landing just as Jason reached his own throaty climax.

  He lay down on top of her, pinning her to the bed.

  ‘I think tonight’s going to be a lot of fun,’ he said into her ear. ‘Don’t you?’

  ‘Oh God,’ was all she could say to that.

  She was still seeing stars in the shower. It wasn’t until she was dressed, in a halter top and capris for the return of the sunshine, that she was able to claim her head fully back into her own possession.

  Jason sat on the bed in jeans and white T-shirt, grinning.

  ‘I liked that suit you got me,’ he said. ‘But it’s nice to get back down to basics. I reckon I might sort out a bit more of that garden today. I could do with a good bit of slashing and burning. What about you?’

  Jenna took a breath, considering. The exhibition had been exhausting on every level. Really, she could do with a day of rest, or some kind of mindless activity, like helping Jason with his manual work.

  But there was too much going on. She would have to keep tabs on Deano, for one thing. And what about Jason’s mother, with her crazy revelations about his parentage? She ought to call her – maybe ask her if she wanted to come over for a celebration birthday meal. Then there was Kayley, possibly in danger from the newly freed Lawrence Harville.

  Kayley first, she decided.

  ‘Calls to make,’ she said to Jason.

  ‘Makes a change,’ he replied, rolling his eyes. ‘I think they’ve finished clearing up down there. Shall we sort out some breakfast?’

  At the kitchen table, having said goodbye to Tabitha, who assured them that early notices of the show were very good, they talked about offering Kayley a safe place for the time being. Jenna, if she was honest with herself, regretted the necessity of sharing her love nest with another person. What a difference it would make to her and Jason’s free-wheeling sex life. But their friend’s safety had to come first.

  The two of them could always come later.