Diamonds Forever Read online

Page 7

  ‘I did it,’ she whispered in triumph, tightening her muscles around it to make sure it was really in there. She patted the flange, to reassure herself that there was no chance of losing the damn thing, and ran her palm over the curve of her buttocks.

  Now it was in, she felt eager and dirty and excited. She wanted Jason to come out and inspect her, to make sure she had obeyed his order, then bend her over the bed and fuck her hard.

  But she knew he was saving himself for later, so she was quick to get her dress and stockings on. No knickers – they were forbidden tonight. Jason wanted the only barrier between her occupied back passage and her chair to be the light silk of her tissue-thin maxi dress.

  She tried not to show her excitable flush when he came out of the shower, but Jason never missed such signs and he grinned broadly as he towelled his hair.

  ‘Ready steady, are we?’ he said.

  ‘Maybe,’ she replied, looking away.

  ‘Sounds like I’d better check.’

  He threw down the towel and strutted in his robe towards Jenna, who felt like prey when she saw the look in his eyes. His palm slid over her silk-clad bottom, stroking it all over before homing in on the area in question. One knuckle pressed against the hard rubbery base of the plug, then knocked gently. Tap tap tap.

  Jenna felt mild shock waves pass through her. They turned within microseconds into the burn of pure arousal. That was unexpected. She felt like crossing her legs and falling on the bed.

  ‘How does it feel?’ whispered Jason.

  ‘Weird,’ she managed to whisper back.

  And now she was sitting on it at a beautifully dressed table while Jason bickered with his mother over whether she should have a second glass of wine.

  It wasn’t really what she’d had in mind for this sabbatical.

  ‘What was he like?’ asked Jason, once the cake had been cut and distributed after the meal. ‘Harville, I mean. Apart from a bastard, which we all know.’

  Linda swallowed, looking with dismay at the dry sponge on her plate.

  ‘He were all right,’ she said, slightly defiantly. ‘All charming when he wanted to get my knickers off. After that … well, I’ve told you. He didn’t want to know me.’

  ‘And you definitely never shagged anyone else about the same time?’

  ‘No, honest, love. Tell you the truth, being the silly cow I was, I thought I were in love with him. I had delusions of being lady of the manor. Big wedding in the papers and all that.’

  ‘’Cos that’s always happening to sixteen-year-old majorettes from the estate,’ said Jason, but the sneer was half-hearted. He sounded profoundly sad.

  ‘I told him I loved him. That was the night he dumped me.’

  ‘Oh, what a dickwad,’ said Jenna, then, when Jason and Linda looked at each other with mild bemusement, ‘Sorry, I guess that’s an Americanism?’

  ‘I guess. We get the gist, though,’ said Jason.

  ‘Broken-hearted, I was. Well, you can imagine.’ Linda held out an empty glass hopefully to her son, who shook his head. She shrugged and continued. ‘Until I found out I was expecting. I knew it wasn’t exactly good news on the face of it, what with me being fresh out of school with no job and no money, but I was so happy. My little lord or lady, inside me, where nobody could get at him or her. Summat of my own at last, to love me and be loved. ’Cos you know what your nan was like, Jase.’

  ‘Just about.’

  ‘I know you were only little when she died, but she wasn’t much cop. And your granddad was handy with his fists. To both of us. You and me, though – that was going to be different.’

  She sighed, tears in her eyes.

  Jenna reached over and rubbed her shoulder. Even Jason’s habitual anger seemed to calm.

  ‘I could have got rid of you, you know,’ said Linda.

  ‘So you kept telling me.’

  ‘It would have been the sensible thing. Everyone said so. But I couldn’t. There was no way I could …’

  Her voice cracked and Jenna cradled her for a moment until the shuddering of her shoulders stilled.

  ‘I wanted you so bad, Jase. And when you were born, I was that happy … But it was much harder than I thought it would be. Much, much harder. I got post-natal depression and …’

  ‘OK,’ said Jason, the sting finally out of him. ‘Don’t beat yourself up, Mum. I know.’

  Linda dried her tears on a napkin.

  ‘He’s dead now anyway,’ she said. ‘No point going on about it, is there?’

  ‘Not really.’ Jason leant forwards. ‘Look, promise me you won’t tell anyone else. I don’t want it getting out. I especially don’t want Lawrence Harville hearing it. Do you promise?’

  Linda nodded. ‘It’s our secret, then?’

  ‘Our secret.’

  Chapter Seven


  They had just seen Linda off in a cab and Jenna had shut the front door to find Jason’s hand on her rear.

  ‘What about them?’ she said with a shiver of anticipation.

  ‘I wonder what people would say if they knew you liked to sit down to a fancy meal with a little extra up your bum?’


  ‘What? You like it when I’m crude. Don’t pretend you don’t.’ His fingertip pushed the silk inside the furrow of her bottom, stretching what was left over her rounded cheeks. ‘Could you feel it all the way through dinner?’

  ‘Well, some of the time. I got used to it, though. I almost forgot it was there now and again.’

  Jason tutted and patted her bottom.

  ‘Can’t have that,’ he said. ‘I want you to know what’s happening to you, every dirty second of it. Believe me, you won’t be forgetting what’s inside you once I’ve got you upstairs.’

  ‘Perhaps I should stay down here then.’

  But she didn’t mean it. She was counting on Jason’s response to this being exactly what it was.

  He grabbed her round the waist, spun her to face him and hoisted her up over his shoulder, carrying her caveman-style up the stairs to the bedroom. All the garden work had made him stronger than ever, and he didn’t stagger or pause for a moment until they were in the bedroom and she was thrown down on the bed.

  ‘Mind my dress,’ she gasped, still laughing, but slightly alarmed to hear the ripping of a seam near her shoulder.

  ‘I don’t give a toss about your dress,’ he snarled, throwing off his jacket and loosening the tie he’d worn to appease his mother, who had been in raptures at how smart he was these days. ‘Get it off – now.’

  She sat up, collecting her breath, watching him with wide eyes.

  ‘Don’t make me wait, Jen.’

  She began to struggle out of the maxi dress, losing herself briefly in the volume of material.

  Jason took pity on her and pulled it over her head, his cuffs half unbuttoned, shirt out of his waistband.

  She was completely unclothed now, and yet she felt more naked with the plug still inside her than she might have done without it.

  ‘On your knees, arse high, head down,’ said Jason. ‘No, with your back to me. I’ve got a little something to take out of you, haven’t I?’

  Jenna got into position, clenching her teeth. She felt too vulnerable to be borne, wanting to get up and run into the bathroom. The thought of the perspective she presented to Jason made her want to cringe and gasp at the same time.

  ‘Looks good,’ he said.

  She heard the soft swish of fabrics departing from his body.

  All of her concentration was focused on that narrow passage and the intruder it accommodated. Her upper thighs and knees felt watery, barely able to support the weight of her hips and bottom. She tried to pretend she was holding a yoga position, on a mat, with a leotard on, but the butt plug wouldn’t let her accept it as a realistic escape. It kept prodding her consciousness, reminding her that it was there.

  ‘Do you want it out?’ asked Jason from behind her. ‘Or could you get
used to wearing it all the time? Perhaps I’ll make you do that.’

  ‘No, take it out,’ she said hurriedly, remembering to add a swift, ‘Please, sir,’ in case her tone made him change his mind.

  He laughed.

  ‘Hold on tight, then. Or rather, don’t. Unclench.’

  But that was asking too much.

  Jenna’s eyes watered at the uncomfortable sensation of having the plug pulled clean from her. Her instincts commanded that she clamp round it all the more, but Jason was quick enough for it not to become a painful struggle and she found her muscles clenching around thin air, twitching at the sudden change in their circumstances.

  ‘There, now. All done.’ He patted one of her cheeks. ‘Let’s just put this in the sink a mo.’

  He disappeared into the bathroom and she looked over her shoulder, wondering if she could move from this submissive position yet. She decided to try it and shifted until she was seated with her legs loosely crossed, leaning back with her palms on the mattress behind her. It was a pose that combined invitation with wanton negligence. She didn’t feel submissive any more, but she felt ready for anything Jason had to give her.

  ‘Hey,’ he said, emerging from the bathroom with nothing to adorn his nudity but a large erection. ‘Did I say you could move? Back on your knees now.’

  Jenna hesitated, and was surprised when Jason didn’t take a harder approach.

  Instead he stopped and gave her a sympathetic half-smile.

  ‘You’re nervous,’ he said.

  She nodded, swallowing.

  ‘That plug is quite small compared to …’

  He looked down and his half-smile broadened.

  ‘Yeah, I get that,’ he said. ‘But it won’t break you, babe, I promise.’

  ‘Will you be … careful?’

  ‘You know I will.’ He came and sat beside her, holding her close, stroking her hair and kissing her face. ‘I’d never do anything to hurt you, Jen. Never. I want this to be as good for you as it is for me. The minute you feel like you can’t carry on, you have to tell me. Will you promise to do that?’

  Jenna nodded, her hair mingling with the scattering of dark curls on his chest.

  ‘Good.’ He kissed her on the mouth, long and tenderly. ‘All right,’ he whispered. ‘Lie down on your front and I’ll get you ready.’

  Jenna heard him rummaging in the drawer and expected him to make a dive straight for her bottom, but to her surprise, he poured a trickle of oil into the small of her back, making her jump at the sudden chill.

  ‘Sorry. If I’d planned this properly, I’d have put it in a burner first,’ he said. ‘Just a little something to loosen you up.’

  He spread the scented oil around her back and shoulders, massaging her with heavenly efficacy. She could feel it melt into her pores, while his strong hands worked out the knots of anxiety beneath them.

  ‘Oh, you’re good,’ she moaned.

  ‘Another way I could have earned a living,’ he said. ‘If I’d thought of it. I’d like to paint the way your skin shimmers and moves underneath me. I’ll have to pose you like this some time.’

  ‘Is your next show going to be full of nude studies of me?’ She laughed lazily, thinking she was joking.

  ‘Yeah, I think it might be.’

  ‘Jason …’

  ‘Relax. Shh. Lie still now.’

  How her muscles seemed to unloop and roll out into carefree ribbons beneath his touch. Oh, her masseuse in LA had had nothing on Jason …

  But her masseuse in LA hadn’t slipped her hands beneath Jenna’s breasts to squeeze them either.

  Neither had she made quite such a meal of her upper thighs, pushing fingertips into the sensitive inner skin, teasing and easing right up to her outer labia. He massaged them delicately, pulling the lips apart as he applied his heavenly pressure, making her long for him to reach over to her clitoris, or push a few fingers up inside her.

  But he wouldn’t. He gave his full absorption to those fringe areas of her sex, knowing well how their stimulation sent waves of pleasure in turn to the inner sanctum. But she would have to wait, wet and longing, for him to arrive there.

  Because now he was out and up and on to her bottom, grabbing great greedy handfuls of it, slicking and oiling it up until it must have shone.

  He pressured and pummelled her, making her muscles ease and then begin to ache. He opened her cheeks wide and used his thumbs to draw deep circles in the sensitive insides until she wanted to buck and jolt with the need to be entered and taken.

  ‘Easy, love,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘I don’t want to rush you.’

  ‘What if I want to be rushed?’

  ‘Are you telling me to get on with it?’

  ‘I wouldn’t put it quite like that … but …’

  Jason’s reply was to coat his fingers in lubricant and dig deeper between her cheeks. Her muscles, still relaxed from having the plug inside, allowed his fingers in without undue contraction.

  How very different a proposition fingers were compared to a plug. The plug had sat, ever-present but motionless, while Jason’s fingers crooked and twisted and tested her limits until she squirmed and tried to pull her bottom away from him.

  ‘Nuh uh,’ he said, grasping her firmly by the hips. ‘You don’t get away that easily. Don’t you like it?’

  ‘It’s just … weird.’ She couldn’t even describe it to herself. It was invasive but not as uncomfortable as she’d thought. There was a faint pain, but it wasn’t enough to dispel the constant pulse of need situated around her sex. It wasn’t so much the sensation in itself that was arousing, but the knowledge of its being done to her. A man’s fingers are in my bottom.

  Mere articulation of this thought was enough to make her bury her face and groan with shameful excitement.

  ‘Good weird or bad weird?’


  Jason seemed to accept this as an insightful answer.

  ‘That’s how it should be,’ he said. ‘You’re doing well, babe. I’m proud of you.’

  This made Jenna feel at once very small and very happy. She was the junior partner now, the novice. When they were in bed, everything changed and she shed her high-powered persona to become this strange, submissive person, subject to Jason’s will.

  ‘OK,’ he said, scissoring his fingers inside her until tears came into her eyes. ‘I think you’re ready.’

  He pulled them out very slowly – agonisingly slowly. He seemed to know how difficult this was for Jenna to take, but her tossing of hair and plaintive little yelps made no difference.

  ‘Got to keep those muscles in good shape,’ he said. ‘You’ll need to clench and unclench them a lot, as an exercise, like the pelvic floor stuff. If we’re going to be doing much of this. Which we are.’

  ‘Are we?’ She thrilled at the thought, but it was also a fearful prospect.

  ‘Oh yeah. I want your arse to belong to me, and I want you to know it. I’ll be showing you as often as I can.’

  Jenna grunted and kept her head right down, waiting now for the moment of penetration.

  But it didn’t come and, after a minute or so, she turned her head to look over her shoulder.

  Jason was kneeling up, looking thoughtful.

  ‘What is it? You haven’t changed your mind?’

  ‘God, no way. Just wondering whether to have you like this, or …’ He gave her a very searching look, then ordered her on to her back.


  ‘Really. I think I ought to be able to see your face, the first time. Otherwise you might be hating every minute, and I won’t know.’

  ‘But … is that possible?’

  ‘Of course it’s possible. Puts a little bit of strain on your back and shoulders, but you’re in good shape. You can handle it. Besides, you won’t be thinking about your shoulders, once the deed is being done.’

  Jenna took him at his word and rolled over.

  Jason braced his arms under her thighs, pulling her bottom halfw
ay off the duvet. She rested her lower calves on his shoulders and concentrated on holding her abdominal muscles tight and still. She clasped her fingers together at the back of her neck, giving her a better centre of balance, and watched Jason’s face.

  His concentration was evident, his eyes lowered to where their bodies would meet, his hair falling over his brow. She felt the rude parting of her bottom cheeks by the tip of his lubricated cock and inhaled a sharp breath.

  ‘Easy,’ he said.

  ‘It’s … too big,’ she flapped.

  ‘It’ll fit. Trust me.’

  It took all of her determination not to try and twist sideways, out of his grip, but Jason was holding her cheeks apart, and there was clearly no escape.

  He settled in her furrow, finding her tight ring and resting against it, getting her used to the feeling before he made his move.

  ‘Feel that?’ he whispered. ‘It’s ready for you. You’re getting it.’

  ‘It won’t … work,’ she said, but she knew he would disagree.

  ‘Hold tight. I’m going to show you how wrong you are.’

  Her howl as he pushed forwards into her must have been audible all over the house. Thank goodness it was empty.

  Yet she wasn’t howling in pain. It was a visceral reaction to this very visceral feeling of intrusion. Never mind the butt plug, never mind the fingers, this was the ultimate crossing of the line, and now she was truly conquered and possessed.

  ‘There now,’ he said, stopping just an inch or so inside her. ‘Was I right?’

  She nodded, astonished at the feeling of being opened wider than she had thought possible.

  ‘Now, keep breathing through it, babe. This next bit might sting. Look at me. I want to see your eyes.’

  Never mind any sting, having to keep her eyes open was the most exquisite torment. She was forced to show everything she felt to Jason, without being able to hide. If she enjoyed this indignity, he would know. She couldn’t pretend, to herself or to him.

  He moved forwards again. Straight away, she began to feel a splitting pain. He was too big after all. He couldn’t go any further.

  She began to kick and cry out, shutting her eyes again.